1. Myanmar President Office 2. Myanmar State Consellor Office 3. Myanmar State Counsellor Office Information Committee 4. Ministry of Health and Sports 5. Ministry of Transport and Communications 6. Ministry of Electricity and Energy (Energy) 7. Ministry of Electricity and Energy (Electricity) 8. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (Mining) 9. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (Forestry) 10. Department of Meterology & Hydrology 11. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 12. Ministry of Information 13. Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture(Religious Affairs) 14. Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture(Culture) 15. Ministry of Commerce 16. Ministry of Construction 17. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation(Livestock) 18. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation(Agriculture & Irrigation) 19. Ministry of Hotels & Tourism 20. Ministry of Home Affairs 21. Ministry of Defence 22. Ministry of Border Affairs 23. Ministry of Education 24. Ministry of Education (Science and Technology) 25. Ministry of Planning and Finance (Finance) 26. Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement 27. Ministry of Industry 28. Union Civil Service Board 29. Ministry of Rail Transportation 30. Office of the Auditor General of the Union 31. Union Attorney General’s Office 32. The Supreme Court of the Union 33. Constitutional Tribunal of the Union of Myanmar 34. Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population(Labour) 35. Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population(Immigration)